Tue, 31 December 2019
The King of Syria attacks Elisha's city. His army miraculously stricken blind. |
Tue, 24 December 2019
Naaman afflicted with leprosy. His encounter with Elisha. Fate of Elisha's servant Gehazi. |
Tue, 17 December 2019
The wealthy woman of Shunnam. Her son and his miraculous restoration. Death in the pot. |
Tue, 10 December 2019
The family of Obadiah. Miracle of the oil pot. God provides for those who trust in Him. |
Tue, 3 December 2019
Prophecy of Elisha. Miraculous water in the desert. Sack of Moab. |
Tue, 26 November 2019
Anointing and early career of Elisha. League against Moab. |
Tue, 19 November 2019
History of the kingdom of Israel. Revolt of the northern tribes. Appearance of Elijah at a moment of crisis. |
Tue, 12 November 2019
Elijah and Elisha as prophets with the same mission. Unique stature of Elijah among the prophets. Elisha as his chief heir. |
Tue, 5 November 2019
Elisha recognized as the successor of Elijah. His first miracles. The shared ministry of Elijah and Elisha. |
Tue, 29 October 2019
Elijah taken up into heaven by a whirlwind. Comparison with similar figures such as Enoch and Mary. |
Tue, 22 October 2019
Elijah commanded to prophesy the death of Ahaziah. Fate of the soldiers sent to arrest him. |
Tue, 15 October 2019
The sin of Jehoshaphat. Ahaziah, injured, prays to Beelzebub. |
Tue, 8 October 2019
Battle at Ramoth-Gilead. Disguise and death of Ahab. Vessels of wrath. |
Tue, 1 October 2019
Jehoshaphat and Ahab summon prophets before battle. Oracles and arrest of Micaiah. |
Tue, 24 September 2019
Elijah sent to accuse Ahab. Ahab's gesture of repentance. League against Assyria. |
Tue, 17 September 2019
The plot against Naboth. Jezebel's involvement. Corruption of the judicial process. |
Tue, 10 September 2019
The second Syrian campaign. Ahab's pride. The plans of God. |
Tue, 3 September 2019
Ben-Hadad attacks Samaria. Israel's victory. |
Tue, 27 August 2019
Encounter with God atop the mountain. Elijah's new mission. Investiture of Elisha. |
Tue, 20 August 2019
God's concern for the rebels and Gentiles. Jezebel's threat. Elijah's flight to the desert. |
Tue, 13 August 2019
Elijah's prayer. Fate of the prophets of Baal. Elijah races a chariot. |
Tue, 6 August 2019
The faith of Obadiah. Meeting with Ahab. The prophets of Baal. |
Tue, 30 July 2019
Appearance of Elijah. The widow at Zarephath. Parallels in the Gospel. |
Tue, 23 July 2019
Origins and mission of Elijah. The divided kingdom. Embrace of paganism by Israel. |
Tue, 16 July 2019
Laws concerning inheritance by marriage. Continual rebellion of the people. The kindness of God. |
Tue, 9 July 2019
Religion and practices of the Canaanites. The boundaries of the Promised Land. Cities of refuge. |
Tue, 2 July 2019
A recap of the Midianite extermination, and the preparations for battling into the Promised Land. |
Tue, 25 June 2019
A description of Moses' final required act from God. The process and reasoning surrounding the extermination of the midianites. |
Tue, 18 June 2019
The plan of the book. Free-will offerings. General features of Jewish law. |
Tue, 11 June 2019
The daily, weekly, monthly, and holy-day sacrifices. Each feast has a covenantal and agricultural meaning, as well as a New Testament fulfillment. |
Tue, 4 June 2019
A discusiion on inheritance and what it took to keep the family line alive in ancient times. As well as the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua. |
Tue, 28 May 2019
A description of the second census and how it impacted all of the tribes (military participation, land allotment, etc). |
Tue, 21 May 2019
Further efforts by Balaam. The faith of Phinehas. Danger of false prophets and teachers. |
Tue, 14 May 2019
The final oracle of Balaam. First prophecy of a Hebrew King. Fates of the surrounding nations. |
Tue, 7 May 2019
A discussion on Numbers Chapter 22 which includes a detailed account of Balaam the ancient prophet/sorcerer/shaman. |
Tue, 30 April 2019
A discussion on Numbers Chapter 21 which includes territorial disputes, an introduction to Balaam, and fiery serpents and their connection to Christ. |
Tue, 23 April 2019
Unfaithfulness of Moses at Meribah. Negotiations with Edom. Succession of Eleazar. God's unchanging standards. |
Tue, 16 April 2019
The sign of the rods. God reaffirms Aaron's authority. The law of the red heifer. |
Tue, 9 April 2019
A discussion/explanation of priestly vestments and their connection to Christ. As well as the dramatic narrative of Moses Aaron and Korah. |
Tue, 2 April 2019
The Hebrews experiencing the wilderness, and a description of the offers made to God. |
Tue, 26 March 2019
The mission of the spies. Revolt at Kadesh Barnea. Banishment of the Hebrews to the wilderness. |
Tue, 19 March 2019
The punishment of quails. Discontent of Miriam and Aaron. |
Tue, 12 March 2019
The morale of the Hebrews and their relationship with God and Moses. |
Tue, 5 March 2019
The marching order of the tribes, and a description of their situation and attitude. |
Tue, 26 February 2019
Celebrating Passover in the desert. God leads the nation. Demands of holiness in the modern Church. |
Tue, 19 February 2019
Sacrifices made for the dedication. Connection to modern sacrifices and offerings. |
Tue, 12 February 2019
A discussion on marriage, Nazirites, blessings, and a continuation of the theme of redemption. |
Tue, 5 February 2019
A discussion on the laws found in the book of Numbers. The true meaning behind the sign of peace. A continuation of the theme of redemption. |
Tue, 29 January 2019
Census of the adult Levites. The role of priests and rabbis. Redemption as the theme of Numbers. |
Tue, 22 January 2019
Geography of the Sinai peninsula. Census of the infant Levites. |
Tue, 15 January 2019
A discussion on the population of Israel, the Levites, and the ancient logistics of moving two million people. |
Tue, 8 January 2019
This is an introduction into the book of Numbers. The discussion revolves around the importance of the book, and the many fascinating treasures it contains. |
Tue, 1 January 2019
Teaching on vows in Deuteronomy, Ecclesiastes, and the Gospels. Conclusion to the book of Leviticus. God's commands open the way of life to us. |