Tue, 26 June 2018
Sacrifice commonly has a connotation as a loss to Westerners, but in Leviticus it can be done for all the reasons of prayer: for thanksgiving, for mourning, for please for forgiveness or help. Sacrifice makes prayer concrete. By the way, last week I accidentally reposted the same content as a new episode. I'm sorry for the mistake! |
Mon, 11 June 2018
Just like how Jesus was divinity clothed in flesh, so also is Leviticus the love of God clothed in the letter of the law. |
Mon, 4 June 2018
The book is divided into parts: It describes a mechanism God gives to heal our brokenness through sacrifice. It describes a priesthood provided to the people as a buffer between humanity and God's awesome holiness. Finally it oultines a standard for how we can know what is true or false, helpful or hurtful even today. |