Sat, 28 May 2016
The Hebrews were called to grieve differently and eat differently as a reminder that they were a people set apart for the Lord. Bacon is not inherently sinful to eat, but it was set aside as something the Lord expected His people not to eat. Christ did not abolish the ritual kosher laws for the Jews, but clarified that they did not apply to Christians. However, the moral laws set down in the Old Testament still very much apply to Christians today. God expects a tithe: He expects His people to return a gift of a portion of everything that the He has given them. The Lord specifies laws meant to care for the poor. Parts of the Lord's tithes were to be shared with widows, and lending laws were such that the poor could not be kept as permanent slaves to debt. |
Sat, 21 May 2016
The eating of innocent blood is forbidden. These temple practices are emphasized for correct worship of God but also a guidance even in our lives to recognize the sacredness of life designed by God. The Israelites (and we) are warned against apostates who try to lead us away from the Lord and from the Torah, even if they are close family and friends. Hebrew law lays out dire consequences for such people, but only in the context of rigorous judicial review. In our case we do not have a theocratic system, but are still exhorted to reject such temptation. |
Sat, 14 May 2016
The Israelites are told to destroy the places of worship of rival religions. This is because their existence is a temptation to idolatry, one to which many Hebrews would eventually give in. There is one God, separate from all other religious influences. Worship of the Lord is done in one central location set aside by Him: a special, sacred place. All sacrifice and offering to the Lord will not be done at local shrines, but at His chosen location. This will help prevent His worship from being diluted by local practices. |
Sat, 7 May 2016
The Canaanites will be defeated due to their wickedness. Israel's righteousness or strength will have nothing to do with it, however, as Israel has frequently disobeyed the Lord through their stubbornness. But God is merciful and gracious. This is just as true in the church today as in ancient Israel. If we repent and be receptive to the love of the Lord, He will redeem us with His infinite love and mercy. In addition I (the editor of these podcasts) greatly apologize for the unannounced hiatus. I will endeavor to make sure there is a smoother release schedule in the coming months. |