We are to welcome those weak in faith, and by the same token, we are not to allow those less afflicted with scrupulosity to set the standards. God has welcomed them both, and it is not our place to pass judgment. We will all stand in judgment before God, and we should leave Him that task. This does not mean that we cannot in charity diplomatically object to errors in the essential things of religion.
Even though we are to provide allowances for opinions, we are not to give those who hold stricter rules for themselves reason to stumble. Doing so can cause not only the man to stumble, but has in some cases gone as far as causing schism. It is not right do do anything that would cause your brother to stumble.
The closing theme is Gerard Satamian's Chansons Sans Paroles Op. 2 Pastorale, from the album Dry Fig Trees. www.magnatune.com
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-- posted at: 12:41pm EST